18 Jul 2024

Take your seats — the curtain rises


Election 2024 — The final Trump act — Redemption or Perdition?

Can a single bullet fired by a 20-year-old malcontent in rural Pennsylvania change the course of history?…of the fortunes of the Free World? …of one Donald J. Trump? When the man takes to the stage on the evening of July 18 all the world will get its first indication of the answer to those questions.

In theater, opera, literature and life, the greatest most memorable tales are those of redemption. The central figure undertakes a grand mission, labors, gains a supporting cast, enters the fray and whether by misfortune, counter forces or personal failings is defeated. The grand story then finds the hero alone, defeated and seeming without recourse. But as storytelling is wont to do, the hero finds a way back, to confront his deniers, to beat the fates, defeat the demons and win the day. Much the wiser for the experiences of adversity and defeat, he carries the day and is feted as a champion of right and good..

Is this the Donald Trump drama?

Who knew the road would lead here? The whiplash ride that is the Donald Trump experience is on the precipice. From an improbable victory in 2016 to an ignominious defeat in 2020, followed by shameless begging election officials for “lost” votes, to an historical debacle on January 6, lawsuits and embarassing private life revelations, the Trump experience is comedy, tragedy, farce and revival rolled into one.

Will the narrow escape from an assassin’s bullet transform the former president into the gallant on a white steed who saves the day? Or, will the lure of retribution, “I told you so”, and unmeasurable ego overwhelm whatever angels he might call upon?

His enfeebled opposition is an easy mark. The shuffling husk of a president unable to curb his babbling, hackneyed whispering and bellicose tantrums has independents and his own party heading to the exits. Is it possible for Mr. Trump to pull a Lincolnesque turn by embracing his opposition and converting them to supporters? Impossible? No. Improbable? Well, stranger things have happened… (the Cubs won the 2016 World Series after 108 years as also rans) and we’ll get a first read when he steps to the microphone to accept his party’s nomination.

There are those who have cast Donald Trump as a self-serving, soulless, acquisitive void. The figure of Dickens’ Ebeneezer Scrooge comes to mind. Could the bullet that came so close be Mr. Trump’s version of Jacob Marley’s ghost — serving to warn him what fates await and voice remorse over opportunities lost to act for the greater good?

Lots of unanswered questions and a lot to hope for. The nation is begging for a unifier — often promised, never delivered. Mr. Trump is many things, especially opportunistic. While contemplating his options on the precipice he may perceive an opportunity, one that appeals and could cement an enviable legacy. His acceptance speech will reveal his charted course — redemption or perdition. Tune in.

2 Responses to Take your seats — the curtain rises
  1. I admit I am intrigued. The RNC seems unified, but will it translate to victory? Trump seems “humbled” after Saturday, but ca an old dog learn a new trick?

    We shall see.

    • We shall. I don’t know how long she can skate without any substance or policy positions. A debate and the inevitable press conference will be telling.


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