Two Kinds of People – One Digs the Ditch, the Other…
The standard joke posits that there are two kinds of people – those who believe there are two kinds of people and those who don’t. In today’s politically charged environment almost any issue will have two kinds of people – two willful camps squaring off… Liberal / Conservative Climate change panicked / climate change ambivalent.. read more →
Election 2018 – Danger Dead Ahead
There are multitudes of reasons to dread elections – volumes of drek flooding the mailbox, tiresome palaver on television in ads and debates, dreary candidates, unsavory choices, endless telephone solicitations and so many more. There is the occasional amusing diversion – candidate peccadilloes, debate missteps such as Rick Perry disremembering the departments he would eliminate,.. read more →
Freedom’s Dramas
Humankind has struggled against and at times vanquished oppressors down through the ages. Tyrannies under the guise of religious conformity, political doctrines and allegiance to charismatic leaders have existed since the beginning of organized society. Humanity has valiantly combatted despots, servitude, hegemony and the evils of one group subjugating another. Wars are fought, societies rise.. read more →